Shame On You…

Warning….this post is nothing but pure ranting….read at your own risk!!!

Body shaming. I heard this statement for the first time a couple of weeks ago. I had to google it because I had no clue what it meant. Yes…I do kind of live under a rock. I quite like it there because when I come out I learn about bullshit like this!

The fact that this is a thing is pretty disgusting to me. Do I love my body? Most of the time hell yes. If you read regularly you know I can go through my funks with how I look and what my body looks like, but for the most part I’m pretty happy with the skin I’m in. It took me years and I mean years to be able to say I’m pretty happy with my body. I used to stress and obsess about not looking the way society said I should. Nowadays I say fuck society what the heck do they know. Nothing.

Back to this whole body shaming crap. I also say fuck anyone who has the nerve to comment negatively on anyone’s body. Who died and made you perfect? Anyone who feels the need to body shame make or make negative comments about how someone looks is a sad sack person. Most likely an insecure and probably jealous person.

People come in different shapes and sizes and everyone should have the right to feel beautiful. Nobody has the right to take that away from anyone.

I say right here right now… are all beautiful. Work what you’ve got. Work it right in the faces of those who try to steal your thunder and tell you you’re not beautiful!


Life is too short to believe the bullshit of negative people.

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