Motivating Your Motivation!

Sometimes it leaves on an extended vacation leaving me scratching my head wondering when it will be back.

Sometimes it’s all up in my business barely giving me time to catch my breath in between workouts (ok…this might be a bit of an exaggeration!)

The point I’m making is motivation has always been an issue for me when it comes to working out. I have periods of time when I’m on fire and it’s not an issue to get a workout done. There are times when I would rather stick forks in my eyes than workout!

I have adopted some strategies to kick myself in the butt and keep my motivation from taking an extended holiday.

1) Workout first thing in the morning: Getting up at 5:00am probably seems like the last thing on earth that would be a motivator! I would have agreed with this 6 months ago and that’s exactly what I used to think. After years of failed attempts at this I have finally made early mornings my favourite time to workout. The motivators are getting it done before the day even starts and it really is a huge energy boost. I always feel fantastic after. Even on weekends now I much prefer morning workouts. I find the longer I wait to workout the less likely a workout will be. Now don’t get me wrong…it’s not easy to get out of bed to workout. Especially when it’s dark and it’s the dead of winter. There have been many workouts postponed in favour of an extra hour under my warm blankets, but for the most part mornings are my time to get it done. I never regret giving up extra sleep for a morning workout.

2) Change up what you do and make sure you enjoy it: This is so important! I used to only do a few different workouts and it got to the point where I dreaded each workout. I just trudged through and it was miserable. No wonder my motivation took a vacation. Now every workout is something totally different from the one before. I don’t follow any kind of “training plan” or fitness plan. That does not work for me. That’s the reason why my motivation broke up with me for a while! I became to ridgid with what I was doing. I had to tell myself to stop this habit. I wasn’t training for the Olympics so why exactly was I doing things I wasn’t enjoying and more importantly, why was I beating myself up if I missed a workout?? It was a bad scene and I had to put a stop to it. I started doing things that I hadn’t done in a long time and I started doing different things that I had never tried. The result is a much happier me. I just want to be active period. I want to be happy being active. That’s my goal no matter what it is. The last run I was in I totally enjoyed it. I had fun with my friends and I felt happy and accomplished when it was done. Usually after a run I immediately dwell on the negatives, but not anymore.  Now I enjoy the event and my friends and the activity. I make sure I try and do this with anything I do now.

This new mindset is all a work in progress. It’s hard to break old habits. Some days I’m not feeling it and I do just sit on my butt and do nothing. The difference is I try not to beat myself up and dwell on it. I just move forward to a new day. 

My ultimate goal is to be healthy. What that looks like for me right now is to just be active and be happy doing it. 

So far my motivation has not wanted to take any extended vacations. That right there tells me I must be on the right track 🙂

Stay healthy and happy 🙂

The Daily Grind One…Me Zero!


I’d say between Tuesday evening and mid Wednesday morning my week just flew off the tracks and crashed and burned. I can’t pinpoint the exact moment, but I just lost any kind of spark I may have had.

It happens every now and then. The daily grind just wins! The wind gets knocked out out of my sails and I tap out. I woke up Wednesday with the beginnings of a headache and by mid morning I was dying! Nothing would get rid of it. By the end of the day I felt terrible. I felt frustrated and I just felt plain old down and out.

I stayed home today and just had a not so great day. I didn’t workout because I felt terrible. My mood was bleh. Sometimes the Sleep, work and repeat cycle really gets to me. It just gets so repetitive and draining. Every once in a while the daily grind does just that….grinds me down and I need a so called “time out” That’s what today was for me. A “mental health” day I guess you’d say.

I’d apologize for being all whiny buuuut it’s my blog so I’m not going to offer that apology up! I’m feeling a little better. I regrouped a little bit today. I’m planning a long run tomorrow and planning my weekend workouts. Keep moving forward is really the only option. I’ve got goals to meet, so I’ve got no choice but to keep on going.


Nice cup of vanilla Earl Grey. My overnight oats are in the fridge for tomorrow.

The train is slowly getting back on the track. The daily grind isn’t a choice, but how you approach it and what you do with your free time is. Every now and then I need to remind myself of this and kick myself in the butt 😉

It doesn’t hurt my mood that tomorrow is…..


Happy early Friday! Stay healthy AND always stay classy 🙂



It’s funny the things that motivate people! Whatever works 🙂

Intervention Needed!!!

This past week has been a total BUST!! I have not worked out. I have eaten enough home made peanut brittle to sink a ship. Not to mention I’ve just eaten terribly all together. Ugh….I’m not feeling the healthily living/fitness love right now.

I feel totally stuck in a rut with zero motivation! I need a serious fitness intervention! I have struggled through most of the winter, but have managed to keep my head above water. This week I just feel like I’ve bottomed out. I need to breath some new life into my workout routine. It’s supposed to be warmer out so maybe I should go outside for a run?

I don’t know what the answer is. All I know is something needs to light a spark in me or I fear I may fall into the depths of eternally wearing my pajamas and taking root to the couch!!!


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