Putting My Money Where My Mouth Is

As you know, or may not know. I’m not a fan of weighing myself. When we moved we threw our scale out! I don’t believe in weighing myself. I spent years and years AND YEARS obsessing and worrying about what my weight was. I spent years being defined by the number on the scale. And no matter what it was I was never happy. The number always overshadowed my successes. This time around I refused to constantly weigh myself. This time around I wasn’t dieting, so weighing myself didn’t seem to jive with what I was trying to accomplish. A healthy lifestyle.


If you have been reading for awhile you may remember way back last March I had to go to a specialist for some “girly” issues. You know all that fun hormone stuff that comes along with the awesomeness of being a gal. If you didn’t read about that saga or you honestly don’t remember because you don’t file every moment of my life in your brain let me refresh your memory….
I went to the specialist. Got on her scale at the first appointment. I pooped my pants when she told me the number because it was higher than what I thought. I briefly became bummed. I realized that A) Her scale is 10pounds off and more importantly I realized B) It makes no difference if her scale is right or 10 pounds off (which it is because my hubby had an appointment with her last month and he was exactly 10 pounds more on her scale!) The realization I came to was this. It really doesn’t matter to me what my weight is. I feel great. I KNOW I’m active and trying to eat healthy my clothes all fit again and most are a bit big. So that’s all that matters to me.


Now comes the part in this happy little tale where I have to live up to what I’m saying. I, once again, find myself having to go back to this Doctor next Tuesday. Again…girly stuff. I will have to get on the scale. I would be lying if I said there wasn’t a part of me that isn’t dreading it! I stopped myself and asked these questions “Ok so what if that cursed number isn’t what you think it is? Does that change anything? Does it change how you feel about you?” The answers…it doesn’t matter what so ever because after I step off that scale I will still be the same person I was when I got there so why should I let a number change that?? I shouldn’t and I won’t!! 🙂


I refuse to battle with a little piece of metal. I refuse to let a number dictate how I feel about myself…..

I spent too many years living that way. I’ve turned that page in my story and have moved on so it makes no sense to go backwards at this point.


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